Monday, December 8, 2014

Terrible Twos?

This morning was one of the toughest mornings I've had so far of being a mom. Something we always tell new parents is that it gets easier after the first year. Some of you may be saying yeahh right!! Lol Boy, was I wrong. With every year the challenges get bigger. Its a learning process every day. 

So about this morning, Nathaniel is 19 months old and I feel like he gave me a preview of what the terrible twos will be like. It all started this morning when Nate was playing with his cars on top of the TV stand which is mounted on our wall. Although it is secure we don't like for Nate to play up there in case of anything, so we usually tell him not to play up there. 

When we tell him no, Nate gets mad, throws his cars on the floor, then throws himself on the floor to cry. First let me say we do NOT spank or hit Nate. We are totally against it. What I try to do is ignore his bad behavior or we read a book called "Its Calm Down Time" to show him it's time to calm down when we get mad. That usually works for him. 

So after he threw his cars he was just hysterical. Like an angry nonstop cry. I tried to ignore it but he then got louder. We put him in his room so he can calm down on his own but that didn't work. He was like flipping all over the room screaming and crying. We then went in to calm him down. I held him and tried to read the Calm Down book and it like got him more angry. He did not want to calm down No matter what I did. David and I were sure he was throwing the worst tantrum. He's also teething a lot lately so I thought that may also have something to do with it. 
So my question to my mommy viewers is How do you discipline? How do your children react when you tell them no? Nate used to listen when we told him not to play with his cars on top of the TV stand but now he throws his cars every time. I appreciate any advice. Thank you in advance. ❤️

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