Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Renaissance Woman

Day 10 of blogmas!! Sorry for not blogging yesterday but Nathaniel got a random fever yesterday so couldn't find time to get a blog up. But I'm back for day 10 and I have something very interesting for you all; something that I relate to. Curse of the creative mind. A lot of people misunderstand me and my dreams, because I have so many. My ideas are never big enough. There's always something better. Another project. Some may call this a tortured artist. If you have many passions, pursue them all because if you don't, you will go on with "what if's" on your mind. I have spent the past few years just trying to find one passion. In the process I discovered many more. With every decision comes supporters and haters. We can't please everyone; most importantly, we must please ourself. When you make decisions for you, those who truly love you will support you no matter what. Today is the day that I embrace my talents. I will follow my heart even if my mind thinks otherwise. I will follow my heart even if others I love don't agree. If this sounds like you, don't be afraid to go with your heart. Be a woman of many talents. At the end of the day, we have one life to live. I'm choosing to live mine happy. 
What path will you choose? 

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