Saturday, April 9, 2016

40 Memories for 40th Birthday

Life is a book and your forties are the chapters when it all starts making sense.
Happy 40th Birthday Mom!

 My mom is a huge fan of receiving birthday cards every year so for her 40th birthday I wanted to do something special and something she'd never forget!  40 memories from 40 special people in her life. I got this amazing idea from Pinterest and it was a huge success! 

I simply just contacted 40 of her closest friends and family and asked for them to share a memory they've had with her. The memories started flooding in! I copied and pasted them into a Word document. Printed and cut!

Some were emotional and some were funny. Some were long and others were short. As I was reading through the memories I couldn't help but get emotional myself. Seeing how much she was loved and what people really thought about her was so moving to me. Most commented on how she is such an inspirational hard working woman. That is exactly what I see in her and I found it amazing that it wasn't just me who saw how wonderful this woman truly is!

Envelopes were from Walmart, they came in a pack of 50 assorted colors. I wanted different size envelopes and Walmart didn't have a huge selection. I settled with the 50 pack and bought a set of the small light blue envelopes that came with thank you cards (I only used the envelopes).

First step is to lay them out on the floor so you can figure out a layout that works for you. Once you've completed that, simply just tape them one by one on the wall.

She was sooo happy with her surprise!

Nate thought the cake was for him hahaha! Silly boy. 

Caught her getting emotional ! 

Overall, It was a success! I'm glad I was able to make her 40th Birthday a special one.
Love you mom! You deserve the best!