Saturday, June 7, 2014


Even though it's great to have friends, some friendships don't last forever. You'd like to think that your best friends will always be there for you, bu unfortunately sometimes they change. Change can be good and sometimes not so good. You may have friends that face a different direction than you're going in life. This could be that you aren't into the things that they are into anymore. This doesn't happen on purpose; just simply means that you're growing up. Your feelings, beliefs, priorities, and interests have changed. Although it hurts, it's a part of life and someday you'll find friends who are more suited for you. As friendships grow apart, you will learn more about yourself and the type of friends you want. As you grow you will see certain qualities in them, that you don't want in a friend. The way I see it, everyone is put into your life for a reason. Sometimes friends are meant to be in your life for a certain period of time. When they have served their purpose in your life or you have served yours in their life, you will both move on to new friendships. Eventually you will realize that some people are a bad influence on you and that you're heading towards the wrong direction and when you realize that, it is time to move on to more positive friends who will never make you question their friendship.

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