Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Toddler Montessori Room

A blog wayyyy over due, is Nate's Montessori room. I've procrastinated for about a year on writing this blog because the room wasn't completely finished. It needed a bunch of little details that would bring the room together. A year later, the room still isn't complete haha but I'm going to share it anyways! 
For Nate's first birthday, we wanted to change his room to a big boy room but I knew he was too young for a big boy bed. I also knew I wanted his room to be a free space for Nate to explore and learn. With doing research, I came across a toddler Montessori Room. A Montessori-style room is a space where everything is within a child's reach for his personal growth. So before I continue babbling on, let me just show you Nate's room! 

I was too excited to start his room that I forgot to take a decent before picture, the only picture I have of his old room is the one time daddy thought it'd be funny to put a TV in his room! His old room was just a crib and a toy chest filled with toys. Nate never enjoyed playing in his room. 

With the new Montessori room, Nates toys are within reach and organized so that he isn't overwhelmed.  His bed was within reach for him to nap and wake up peacefully. That was the biggest plus for us, when a baby wakes up from a nap in a crib, they're crying until they're rescued. With the Montessori Floor Bed, Nate woke up without crying and was able to explore on his own. 

I was most excited and nervous about the floor bed. Nate has always been a great sleeper, but I was worried he would play more instead of sleep or fuss for me the whole night. Like I said, he's a great sleeper so he had no problem transferring to the floor bed. He loved his bed so much!! If anyone came to look at his room the first thing he'd show off was his bed; it made me so happy! 

His first night, consisted of David & I checking to make sure he was okay and putting him back on the bed. haha! Nate is a tosser, so for a couple nights he ended up everywhere in the room. lol. That stopped after a week or two. 

His reading corner was another favorite of his and mine! I'd always catch him there in the mornings when I'd wake up. 

We also painted a little area with magnetic and white board paint! It was the toughest part of the entire room; super long process. I'd recommend skipping the magnetic paint and sticking to the dry erase paint! 

The most important part about creating a Montessori style room for a baby is that the room must be childproofed! Nate started climbing on the table so he can turn his own light on. It was cute and funny but made me nervous. That is when I found KidSwitch!!!! Its great for any room in the house. Nate no longer needs to stand on the table to turn the light on. We love KidSwitch so much that we are giving one away to a lucky reader! Join by logging in below!